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St. Peter's Primary School and Nursery Unit, Moortown
After Schools Clubs finish next week (week ending 28th March)
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School Vision and Aims




We aspire for all our children to become confident, secure, independent and caring individuals who achieve personal success and develop a love of learning. Children are central to all provision and activity within this school.

St Peter’s Primary School and Nursery Unit is a Catholic school, committed to the aims and values of Catholic Schools.



· To provide a broad, balanced, relevant, differentiated curriculum based on the key principles of the Northern Ireland Curriculum that is accessible to all.

· To develop a happy, positive, stimulating, secure, caring and calm environment with resources which promote the motivation to learn.

· To develop a genuine love of learning and enable our pupils and ourselves to become independent lifelong learners and thinkers.

· To enable all our pupils to become happy, healthy and emotionally intelligent open-minded citizens with a high self-esteem and concern for others.

· To encourage high standards of behaviour and respect.

· To develop in pupils the confidence, skill and competencies required for a diverse and changing world.

· To develop in pupils personal qualities of perseverance, confidence, independence and co-operation with others.

· To encourage, value and extend every child’s contribution to the school.

· To recognise and celebrate success in everyone.

· To build strong collaborative partnerships with families, the local community and other schools.

· To encourage and enable the continuous professional development of all staff.

· To empower pupils and staff to contribute significantly to each other’s development as well as to the life of the Church.

· To foster an atmosphere in which pupils value their time in St Peter’s as a rich and rewarding time in their lives