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St. Peter's Primary School and Nursery Unit, Moortown

School Council - Helping Local Charities

24th Nov 2022

Our school council have decided they would like to help local charities as we approach the Christmas season.

As you know from our recent newsletter our P7 class are holding a BUN SALE on Monday 5th December to raise money for St. Vincent de Paul.

Our school council would also like to support another local charity called HALO HELPING HANDS - see facebook page

Halo help local people in many ways e.g. providing food and clothing.

We would ask that you help us to support Halo by sending in some food items (see sheet below - just send what you can). The school council members will go around the classes next week (Mon 28th Nov - Fri 2nd Dec) and collect any items sent in to make Christmas food hampers. 

Next Friday, 2nd December, a member from Halo will come to the school to accept our charity donations.

Thank you from all in our school council for your support!