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St. Peter's Primary School and Nursery Unit, Moortown

Pupils of The Week 11th November 2022

11th Nov 2022

Today at assembly we said a special prayer for our P7 children who are sitting their transfer test tomorrow morning.

Good LUCK everyone!

We also talked about 'KINDNESS WEEK' (14th - 18th NOV) and how we would be encouraging little acts of kindness throughout the week. Remember - 'Little acts of Kindness make a HUGE difference'.

We also talked about 'Road Safety Week' which is also next week and how we would be completing work in class reagrding being safe on and around our roads.

To celebrate both weeks we will be having an 'ODD SOCKS/BE BRIGHT DAY' next Friday 18th November, where we encourage the children to come to school dressed brightly and also wearing odd socks - should be good fun and assembly should be really bright next week!

It was also fantastic to hear so many of our pupils of the week pick up their awards not only for excellent work and having a great attitude but also for being a good friend and being KIND to others.

We are off to a good start already for next week - Well done boys and girls!