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St. Peter's Primary School and Nursery Unit, Moortown


2021/2022 School Year

8th Oct 2021
To celebrate the Holy Rosary, P5 made their own Rosary beads.
7th Oct 2021
We had a fantastic surprise today when Michael Cassidy, Michael O'Neill and Kieran...
5th Oct 2021
Well done to Grace for participating so well in this week's PE lesson with David...
4th Oct 2021
This was recording week with Eamon. The children have had so much fun and sound...
1st Oct 2021
We always try to make maths Fun. In groups we ordered and compared numbers to millions. 
1st Oct 2021
The library came to give out cerificates to the children for taking part in the...
1st Oct 2021
Primary 6 were so excited to see Sam. Up Tyrone
1st Oct 2021
Dylan got pupil of the week for working so hard in class and for having great manners.
1st Oct 2021
Elina got pupil of the week for working so hard and for being a great friend