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St. Peter's Primary School and Nursery Unit, Moortown


2021/2022 School Year

15th Oct 2021
Check out all the fun activities we have been up to during structured play, including...
15th Oct 2021
Primary 6 painted these beautiful Autumn leaves using warm colours for the leaves...
15th Oct 2021
After writing poems on a haunted house, primary 6 created these scary haunted houses...
15th Oct 2021
Niamh got pupil of the week for always working so hard in class and for helping...
15th Oct 2021
Turn on your volume and listen to this amazing singing from Primary 6.  They...
15th Oct 2021
Well done to all the boys and girls in Primary 6 who have just completed the 'Reconnection...
13th Oct 2021
P1 and 2 learnt all about postcards this week. We designed our cards, decorated...
8th Oct 2021
The children listened to the story of the dot.  The children learned that all...
8th Oct 2021
Look at these amazing self portraits. Well done P6.
8th Oct 2021
Daniel got pupil of the week for working so hard and getting all his work completed....