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St. Peter's Primary School and Nursery Unit, Moortown


2021/2022 School Year

3rd Feb 2022
In January we have been busy making bird food with cheerios, apples and bread. We...
2nd Feb 2022
We have been celebrating Chinese New Year in nursery. It is the Year of the Tiger....
1st Feb 2022
Thank you to Mairead and Trudy for helping us make St.Brigid's crosses today to...
28th Jan 2022
Our P2/3 children have been learning about 'CASTLES'. They were set a task to create...
27th Jan 2022
Congratulations to all the girls and boys in Primary 7 who celebrated the Service...
27th Jan 2022
We have been busy washing and matching different types of socks in the water tray....
26th Jan 2022
What better way to celebrate these very special people than to write a meaningful...
25th Jan 2022
During play we made snowmen with shaving foam and glue, made feely bags with foam...
24th Jan 2022
Primary 5 began our week by discussing the importance of living life to the full,...
19th Jan 2022
Primary 6 completed their water carousel. As a class we have now decided what we...