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St. Peter's Primary School and Nursery Unit, Moortown


2021/2022 School Year

11th May 2022
In Term 3 our topic is the Jungle. We will be learning about jungle animals, camouflage,...
8th May 2022
Thank you Father McGuigan for the kind gifts of communion pens.
6th May 2022
In the month of May, primary 6 will be remembering Mary. We are learning new prayers...
6th May 2022
Congratulations to our P7 children and their families on celebrating the Sacrament...
30th Apr 2022
Well done to the children who participated in the Tyrone Cumann Na MBunscol Skills...
28th Apr 2022
Today we had so much fun completing Our Daily Mile. We talked about how running...
28th Apr 2022
P1 and 2 have worked up a sweat this morning on their daily mile. We even made special...