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St. Peter's Primary School and Nursery Unit, Moortown


2022/2023 School Year

20th Feb 2023
We had great fun today with lots of pancake activities. We role played in the pancake...
20th Feb 2023
Today in P6 we had Pancake Monday. They were delicious and P6 really enjoyed eating...
20th Feb 2023
Please see details in letter attached.
14th Feb 2023
Lots of love in the p1/2 classroom. We are looking forward to showing Mummies and...
10th Feb 2023
Good luck and best wishes to our past pupils (Liam, Thomas and Aaron) who are representing...
10th Feb 2023
Congratulations to our 'Pupils of the Week' receiving their awards for hard work,...
10th Feb 2023
On our recent trip to Holy Trinity College for our P7 Taster Day the children attending...
9th Feb 2023
We were learning breathing techniques and different exercises to help our mind and...
9th Feb 2023
Lots of jumping, stretching and running.
9th Feb 2023
Primary 4 took part in a live zoom art lesson with Sinead from the Art and Design...