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St. Peter's Primary School and Nursery Unit, Moortown


2022/2023 School Year

7th Jun 2023
Look at what super sports stars we are! We ran, jumped and kicked our way through...
7th Jun 2023
Lots of sporting ability showcased today. Well done all!
5th Jun 2023
We have loved the beautiful weather today and have made the most of it with lots...
25th May 2023
Yesterday we had 2 members from RNLI visit St. Peter's to deliver some very important...
24th May 2023
P4 listened and responded to the story of The Magic Harp then finished with a book...
24th May 2023
We took our iPads outside and photographed minibeast habitats. Using pic collage...
24th May 2023
The ‘big’ day finally arrived! You can see some of our art work for...
24th May 2023
We collected data using tally charts and frequency tables then we drew bar graphs...
24th May 2023
Primary 7 had a very enjoyable morning with Declan Carville from AMMA. They took...