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St. Peter's Primary School and Nursery Unit, Moortown


2023/2024 School Year

17th Oct 2023
From 16th –20th October is ‘Math Week.’ This week is not just...
16th Oct 2023
A huge thank you to Mr McVeigh from Holy Trinity College who visited our P7s today...
13th Oct 2023
Primary 6 completed these beautiful Autumn leaves at art club. We used oil pastel,...
13th Oct 2023
Congratulations to our 'Pupils of the Week' who continue to set a good example for...
13th Oct 2023
Primary 6 completed their Castle in the sun paintings. I think Paul Klee would would...
11th Oct 2023
A big thank you to Jenny from Rise NI for delivering a workshop to our Primary 5...
11th Oct 2023
Primary 6 had Steph from Time Steps in to do a work shop on the Vikings. The children...
9th Oct 2023
Friday 6th October was World Smile Day - a day devoted to smiles and spreading...