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St. Peter's Primary School and Nursery Unit, Moortown


2023/2024 School Year

12th Dec 2023
A big thank you to Mary who came in to help P2 make yummy bread. P2's Literacy story...
12th Dec 2023
We hopped, skipped, jumped and ran our way around the playground for our annual Santa...
12th Dec 2023
We loved our Christmas dinner! We wore our special hats, ate yummy food and danced...
11th Dec 2023
A lovely dinner and great singing and dancing. A fabulous time was had by all.🍗🎄🌟
8th Dec 2023
What a busy day we had today! Firstly, Oonagh from St. Vincent de Paul called with...
8th Dec 2023
On our last week we made these beautiful Christmas trees out of clay. We now can’t...
8th Dec 2023
P6 really enjoyed the delicious Christmas dinner.
5th Dec 2023
On Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th December primary 7 pupils hosted the schools annual...