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St. Peter's Primary School and Nursery Unit, Moortown

News - Homepage

2022/2023 School Year

21st Oct 2022
Congratulations to those children elected as members of our school council and...
21st Oct 2022
At assembly this week we talked about how a little act of kindness or even a smile...
21st Oct 2022
We will be celebrating the Sacrament of the Eucharist with our P4 children on Saturday...
14th Oct 2022
Beautiful butterflies to create this lovely display by P6. We hope it inspires other...
14th Oct 2022
Please click on the link to view course information
14th Oct 2022
At assembly this week we prayed for the people of Cresslough after the tragedy there...
7th Oct 2022
Congratulations to our 'Pupils of the Week' who this week received their awards...
7th Oct 2022
We are delighted with our new sensory station and so are the children. Please have...
30th Sep 2022
At our beginning of year mass yesterday Fr Tremer talked about all the people who...
30th Sep 2022
Thanks to everyone who either manged to attend or watched via webcam our beginning...