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St. Peter's Primary School and Nursery Unit, Moortown


2020/2021 School Year

20th Apr 2021
In our religion lesson today, we learnt the most important lesson that Jesus taught:...
19th Apr 2021
In structured play, we have made smiley frogs. We used rolled up paper to create...
19th Apr 2021
Our current topic is life cycles. We have looked at the life cycle of a frog and...
19th Apr 2021
Our World Around Us topic has been Spring. We grew lovely daffodils - some of them...
19th Apr 2021
Primary 2/3 have had lots of fun playing outside this week. We have enjoyed lots...
18th Apr 2021
Well done to all for super reading!
18th Apr 2021
18th Apr 2021
We had great fun talking about ourselves, our anchors and what makes us feel happy....
31st Mar 2021
We had lots of fun on the last day before Easter. The Easter bunny came and hid...
30th Mar 2021
We used our number skills to measure our ingredients. We used our literacy skills...