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St. Peter's Primary School and Nursery Unit, Moortown


2022/2023 School Year

30th Sep 2022
29th Sep 2022
The Sacrament of Confirmation for P.7 pupils in Ardboe parish will take place on...
28th Sep 2022
In Primary 5, we are learning all about place value, using digits right up to 10,000....
28th Sep 2022
Today, we have been such busy bees building a new friend for our outdoor area......
26th Sep 2022
Primary 7 enjoyed celebrating Red Day
23rd Sep 2022
P2 have been learning all about money this week. We visited Miss Fletcher’s...
23rd Sep 2022
Today we had a  Red Day in support of St Malachy's senior men and women's teams...
23rd Sep 2022
At assembly this week we prayed for PEACE  - in our hearts and minds, peace...
22nd Sep 2022
We loved our first session with Eoighan from AB Coaching. We focused on moving into...
22nd Sep 2022